BSc/MSc Projects '24


BSc and MSc Project Topics

For 2024, I am planning to organise a quick hybrid (in-person/online) session to discuss the below project proposals. Although I welcome students' ideas, I will evaluate this on a case-by-case basis if I am happy to supervise projects beyond the ones proposed below. In general, the following areas of research are of interest to me: Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Game Theory and Control, including sequential and collective decision-making.

Projects flagged as experimental would require less research work and involve more practical work around the implementation of an algorithm. Projects flagged as research-intensive would be suitable for students with the ambition to have a great project and carry out research in a cutting-edge area.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the proposed projects are not fixed in stone and can be modified/updated to fit a range of research developments and directions. Outstanding work in some of these projects can lead to a conference submission (to say that it happened in the past and I would be happy to supervise it, but it is optional).

Reinforcement Learning & Multi-agent Systems

Credits: Leonardo's decentralised approach for MARL in sensing design.

Credits: proposed decentralised approach for MARL in sensing design (project 4).

Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL)

In this area, we look at the situation where a group of agents has to complete a task in a distributed (or, sometimes, also centralised) manner. Agents can communicate through a network, with the aim to achieve cooperation to tackle a given problem. Several issues arise, including scalability, non-stationarity of the environment, communication bottlenecks, etc.

Credits: Francesco Careri (PhD student, UoB).

Materials Science

Motivated by the rapid traction and impact of metal additive manufacturing (AM), the proposed projects aim at addressing some of the problems in metal AM via a combined approach that underpins experimental results via machine learning (ML):

Game Theory & Control

Credits: game-environment dynamics for interconnected agents (project 1).

Credits: game-environment dynamics for interconnected agents (project 1).

Evolutionary Game Theory

Game theory is s the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. It has applications in all fields of social science, as well as in computer science, economics, logic and systems science, to name a few. Evolutionary game theory has extended the notions obtained from traditional game theory to explain the evolution of species and their behaviours, as well as being used in several other contexts.

Credits: cascading failure propagation in a network (project 1).

Credits: cascading failure propagation in a network (project 1).

Mean-field Game Theory & Control

Game theory is s the study of mathematical models of strategic interaction among rational decision-makers. It has applications in all fields of social science, as well as in computer science, economics, logic and systems science, to name a few. Evolutionary game theory has extended the notions obtained from traditional game theory to explain the evolution of species and their behaviours, as well as being used in several other contexts.